Water Softening

Enjoy our rental specialfor new customers!

Rent a water softener or reverse osmosis system at $9.95/month for the first 3 months!
Prices for installation and salt are extra.

Licensed Water Treatment Installers

As licensed water treatment installers, the professionals at Brainerd Soft Water want to make sure you have the purest water possible. We sell, service, and rent water softeners and distillers. If you purchase one of our products, we'll ensure you have proper maintenance services for it. If you already have a water treatment system and need service, just give us a call. We're available 24/7.

We have the most efficient way to eliminate hard water.
Hard water eliminator saves 15-20 gallons of water per regeneration cycle.

It uses 50% less salt and water compared to most systems and provides softened water to every room in your home. Call today.

Call now to schedule

Call now to schedule your FREE consultation with FREE water testing.